April 26, 2005

"Serial Abuser"

During a recent phone call, Jim was telling me about John Bolton being described as a "serial abuser" before Congress.

For those who don't follow this stuff closely (I'm one of them), John Bolton is up for the U.S. seat on the U.N.

Anyway, Jim forwarded me a great link on these hearings. Apparently Mr. Bolton is a great guy if you happen to be above him, but if you work for him then he makes your life miserable. This sounds a lot like my current manager, so much so that it's scary.

Some great quotes came out of these hearings:

"He's a quintessential kiss-up, kick-down sort of guy."

"He abuses his authority with little people."

"It's an 800-pound gorilla devouring a banana. The analyst was required simply to stand there and to take it."

(all quotes by Carl W. Ford Jr.)

Is it any wonder that I've been miserable at my job on-and-off for over 5 years?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure they can... they had one in the office for 8 years prior to dubb-yah.

I saw a horrifying bumpersticker the other day...Hillary Clinton for President 2008. If that doesn't run chills up your spin, I don't know what will.

But, serial abusers... those we don't need. The UN has enough problems.


9:39 AM  

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